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HMI Celebrates Arbor Day

Our team celebrated the 146th year of Arbor Day at Elm Bank Reservation in Wellesley, MA. We spent our day volunteering our time and skill to safety pruning on the site - and enjoyed some great camaraderie. We were not alone in our efforts.....hundreds of civic groups and professional arborists around the country mark Arbor Day by planting trees and giving back to their community. We were honored to be part of the stewardship for the historic Elm Bank property.

José has recently taken up wood carving and this statue in the children's garden may be the inspiration for his next project!

After a hard day of work, we all got to have a little fun and try out other parts of the job. Cathy is a master in the office but it turns out she's not half bad at foot locking either!

We were treated to a historical tour of the grounds at the end of the day. Here, José and Rudis check out what may someday become an event space and wine cellar.

Tobin was hard at work in the sugar maple that looked over the Italianate Garden.

It was a perfect day to be floating through the sky. We focused on safety pruning around the popular picnic area.

Ken shows off our 1st annual Arbor Day t-shirt (designed by our own José G).

We took time to do some mentoring and team skill development.

Arbor Day has been celebrated since 1872 and was started by J. Sterling Morton.

A day at work is not work at all when you love what you do.

Weezie's Garden is a favorite on the grounds. The natural structures are amazing.

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